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Consulting & Training

We are experts in Adaptive and Responsive Motion Graphics. These are the two most transformative skills you can learn in Adobe After Effects today and for the foreseeable future. These are critical skills to developing not only more but better quality content. We incorporate Data-driven Content Creation by hooking up spreadsheet data to Adobe After Effects, for automated content workflows..


The Advanced Adobe After Effects courses are scheduled for launch in late July, early August2024



These are very advanced courses that require confident BUT NOT expert knowledge in Adobe After Effects Expressions. You must be very familiar with using AE and be able to navigate quickly around its interface and be comfortable working with Text and Shape Layers, Null Objects and intermediate level knowledge of MoGRTs. 


In these advanced courses, we'll be looking at developing Adaptive & Responsive Motion Graphics Toolkits and Motion Graphics Design Systems. We will also be looking at linking spreadsheet data to Adobe After Effects to enable Content Automation for both Static Imagery and Visuals. These are truly transformative skills and knowledge that will advance careers into the future.



Watch our Youtube Playlist on Adaptive & Responsive Motion Graphics - view Youtube Playlist

TRAINING TESTIMONIALS from previous courses

Todd Kopriva | Former Adobe After Effects Product Manager

Roland has proven himself over the years to be one of the most consistently helpful and knowledgeable After Effects users in many contexts, including answering questions on online forums and providing detailed and accurate tutorials.

Pre-requisites for these Advanced Courses

Adobe After Effects Expressions is used widely in these advanced courses. A list of curated, online tutorials are provided for those that want to enroll in these advanced courses but are not sufficiently confident in Expressions functionally

We are a Dataclay Affiliate Partner.

Dataclay develops intelligent Content Automation. Its tools are industry standard. We will cover some of its use-cases in our advanced Adobe After Effects courses. 



It has always been about creating high-quality content. Today it's about creating high-quality content at speed and with scalable design options. And if automation is viable, it's always a bonus.


We provide advanced training to create such transformative Motion Graphics Designs. 


We combine Coding, Motion Design, Graphics Design and Data Integration in our courses to ensure you develop high-quality solutions in the form of Adaptive & Responsive MoGraph Templates and Toolkits and entire MoGraph Design Systems.


The Adaptive Feature works magically by allowing you to design and develop once, in a single resolution and to then output to multiple frame sizes and aspect ratios. You will learn how to set these up from scratch as well as convert existing static and animated designs into Adaptive Designs. 


Responsive Features are intelligent and robust in nature and automatically adjusts an element's size and position and also re-animates these elements to fit updated content. This allows a single design to work with innumerable textual and visual content.


We will also be looking at using Spreadsheet Data to drive Content Automation to automate Identity Branding Tasks, Localization Efforts, . 


Developing Intelligent Responsive Motion Graphics (15 hours Lecture & Practical + 10 Hours Tutorials & Practical) Lectures & Practicals will be held during week ends. (3 hours - Mornings) Tutorials & Practicals will be held during a weekday. (2 Hours - Evenings). Visit the Course Page for course content and sign up details.


Developing Responsive Paragraph Texts (6 hours Lecture & Practical + 4 Hours Tutorials & Practical) Lectures & Practicals will be held during week ends. (3 hours - Mornings) Tutorials & Practicals will be held during a weekday (2 Hours - Evenings). Visit the Course Page for course content and sign up details.


Developing Responsive Paragraph Texts (9 hours Lecture & Practical + 6 Hours Tutorials & Practical) Lectures & Practicals will be held during week ends. (3 hours - Mornings) Tutorials & Practicals will be held during a weekday (2 Hours - Evenings). Visit the Course Page for course content and sign up details.


Developing Responsive Paragraph Texts (9 hours Lecture & Practical + 6 Hours Tutorials & Practical) Lectures & Practicals will be held during week ends. (3 hours - Mornings) Tutorials & Practicals will be held during a weekday (2 Hours - Evenings). Visit the Course Page for course content and sign up details.

TRAINING METHODOLOGY All classes are LIVE. We will be using Zoom. Each class will have a maximum of 8 trainees. Occasionally, there may be up to two observers. Each class is 3 hours (excluding breaks). There will be a 10 minute break at the 90-minute mark. There will be course assignments and each trainee is expected to put in up to 35 hours of their own time to complete their course assignments. A Training Completion certificate will be provided at the end of the course, upon successful completion of all classes and submission of all course assignments.

Our principal, Roland Kahlenberg has trained many hundreds of professionals, undergraduates and post-graduates in the past 20 years.  

Our Consulting includes Transfer-of-Knowledge Service to equip your in-house team to become experts at creating content at scale with expertise in Adaptive & Responsive Motion Graphics Development and Data-driven Content Creation. This service includes remote and on-site training and on-the-job consulting and training where I'll work with your team to develop Adaptive and Responsive MoGraph Toolkits and MoGraph Design Systems.

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